How Magic Really Works

If you are reading this, you will know that the answer to everything is magic. If you don't, you're probably handicapped. Two plus two? Magic. Where do I live? Magic. What is the meaning of life? That's right, magic. But you didn't know the truth behind this amazing phenomena called magic.

=Black Magic=

When one uses the art of black magic, in mere nanoseconds, an invisible portal to a distant realm, known as the patrixxxverse, is temporarily opened. The king of this realm uses various machines to cause evil kermixxx clones to cry hyper-realistic blood from their hyper-realistic eyes, which has been discovered to be able to power wands, and only wands. This hyper-realistic blood is sent through the invisible portal faster than the speed of light and into the wand of the magic user.

=Answers to Questions Involving Magic (AKA Answers to any question in existence)=

When a question is asked, it is converted from soundwaves to lightwaves, then sent through the invisible portal for the king patrixxx to answer, then send back into reality.
That's right, the truth is horrifying. Who knew that such terrifying abominations are powering the things we are entertained and amazed by! Now that you've read all of the above, you will be killed by magixxx in 7 days. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!